Blendigo on Windows Tutorial

This tutorial will cover getting Indigo running with Blendigo on your computer. We will use the Blendigo exporter for Blender, that is used to export scenes to Indigo.

This tutorial is for Windows users.

If you have not purchased an Indigo licence, you can still follow this tutorial. Indigo will run in trial mode, which will apply some watermarks to Indigo renders.

Step 1: Install Blender 2.58 or newer

If you already have Blender 2.58 or newer, you can skip this step.

Download and install Blender 2.58 or newer from here:

Step 2: Download Indigo Renderer

The latest version of Indigo Renderer can be downloaded from this page:

If you have a 32-bit operating system, or you are not sure, download Indigo Renderer for Windows 32-bit.

If you have a 64-bit operating system, download Indigo Renderer for Windows 64-bit.

Step 3: Install Indigo Renderer

Once you have downloaded the Indigo installer program in step 2, run the installer program.

If the installer asks you 'Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer,' select 'Yes.' Please carefully read the licence agreement, then click 'I Agree.'

On the 'Choose Components' page, make sure that the 'Blender exporter' is selected (otherwise Blender must be reinstalled), and press 'Next >'

Ensure Blender exporter is selected

On the 'Choose Install Location' page, leave the Destination Folder as it is, and press 'Install.'

After the Indigo installer has completed, the Blendigo installer will launch. It should autodetect where Blender is installed (otherwise Blender must be manually located, or reinstalled):

Blendigo installer should detect install path

Press 'Finish'. Indigo will open after installation; close it for now, since we'll be using it via Blendigo.

Step 4: Enable plugin in Blender

Select 'User Preferences' in the editor type selector:

User preferences

Then select the 'Render' category:


Then make sure the check-box on the right of the 'Render: Blendigo' box is ticked:


Select 'Info' in the editor type selector:


Now set the render engine to Indigo:


You should now be able to render scenes with Indigo by pressing F12.